
January 30th, 2007 by Basil

Our goal at ItsAPundit is to make blogging easy. We think you shouldn't have to spend a lot of time working on your blog … if all you want to do is blog.

And we've tried to make it easy. So easy, even a caveman could do it. Or at least, so I could do it.

Getting Started Is Fast … And Easy

Getting StartedTo get your free ItsAPundit blog, click "Create a new blog" and then fill out the form.

Your Username will be both your login name and your blog's URL. That is, if you choose imapundit as your Username, you'll log in using imapundit and your password, and your blog's URL will be http://imapundit.itsapundit.com/

You'll have to give an Email Address so we can send you verification link and your initial password. And don't worry. We won't send you emails or give your email address to anyone. We hate spam, and figure you do, too.

Pick Your Blog's Appearance

Pick A Theme, Any ThemeWith the 70+ themes in our library, you'll be able to find one that suits your purposes.

And we're constantly looking for more.

To set — or change — your blog's appearance, just click the Theme you like. It's that easy.

Customize Your Theme

Tweak Your ThemeNot only do you have a large library of themes from which to choose, you can also customize the graphics and colors of your theme.

For instance, if you want the color of your links to be purple instead of, say, blue, then it's easy to make that change.

Even though you can't create new styles or change the fonts, you do have the ability to make some changes to help personalize your blog. It's easy. And free.

Spam Free — Or Nearly So

I Don’t Like Spam!We hate spam. Oh, we love the fine meat product by Hormel. You know, SPAM®. We got nothin' against SPAM.

But we hate spam.

Email spam. Comment spam. Trackback spam.

We can't do anything about your email spam. Except the spams aren't from us. But we can help with comment and trackback spam.

We've implemented two anti-spam features that work behind the scenes: Spam Karma 2 and Bad Behavior. Nothing is perfect, but these work very well in eliminating spam.

And we've made it easy. Bad Behavior works with our software (WordPress MU) and is automatically installed and active. Spam Karma 2 is also installed and can be activated, if you choose.

Oh, and one thing more. If you have an Akismet API key, you can activate Akismet, punch in your key, and use Akismet to filter your spam.

Site Meter

Site MeterThe leading blog add-on for stats is Site Meter. And, unlike some WordPress MU-based services, we include the ability to use Site Meter code on your ItsAPundit.com blog.

By way of David Smith's excellent WordPress plugin, your Sitemeter can appear at the bottom of your blog (for most themes, anyway).

And, we've written a widget (based on David Smith's plugin) that will allow you to insert your Sitemeter in your sidebar, if you prefer to place it there.

Other Features

We also have added the ability to activate Inline TrackBacks and Technorati Tags to posts.

And, we're looking to add more features to ItsAPundit.com. Let us know what you'd like to see offered. We'll research the possibility of adding features that make blogging easy.