
February 19th, 2007 by Basil

I knew this day would come. It actually came earlier this week.


I hate spammers.

Oh, I like SPAM. That meat product from Hormel. Good stuff.

But spam … unsolicited commercial email … is a pain. And, around here, we expand "spam" to include TrackBack and Comment Spam.
Lots of spammers set up Web sites to support their spam. And some have chosen to use this blogging service.

We're not here for that. I don't like it. And blogs set up here for the purpose of supporting email, comment, or TrackBack spam won't last long.

I've already closed down several. And see several more that look like spammers in training. They haven't yet put spam-consistent content on those blogs. But I expect they will. And I think they've tried, but have been caught by the JavaScript stripping that WPMU does. I think they'll keep trying, and eventually put up stuff that's obviously for spam purposes. And when they do, and when I see it, the blogs are toasts.

Sure, they may end up signing up for another blog. But I'll shut those down, too.

No, this isn't a challenge. Just a statement of fact.

I haven't gone so far as to contact their ISPs. But that's an idea.

Still, this is a blogging service. And I fully expect people to set up blogs that I find distasteful or offensive.

But I'm not going to tolerate some things. Spam isn't free speech. Nothing commercial is free.

I'm all about folks setting up blogs to make money. By selling ads or such. Not by spamming folks via email, TrackBacks, or comments.

Just thought you should know.

2 Responses to “Spammers”

  1. bama2 Says:

    I already have some who've tried to get in on the first post with comments like nice blog, etc!
    I get lots of spam in my email box everyday–nothing but worthless crap that I have to spend time deleting!

  2. Basil Says:

    Funny thing is … your comment was flagged as spam by Akismet!

    By the way, despite the occasional false positive … heh … activating Akismet on your blog would send most of those items from the moderation queue to the spam queue. Yes, stuff like that takes a little getting used to, but most bloggers find it's worth it. You might want to give activating Akismet from the Plugins tab and give it a test drive.