Fairness Doctrine? Bring It On!

June 29th, 2007 by John W Lillpop


At first glance, the Fairness Doctrine being floated by leftist fascists like Diane Feinstein, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and other enemies of free speech sounds prohibitive and scary.

But a real Fairness Doctrine might actually help if it included all media, television, newspapers, and radio, and if:

* When hiring reporters, editors, commentators, anchors, and other news staff, mainstream media venues were required to hire the exact same number of conservatives as liberals;

* For every Maureen Dowd column it publishes, the New York Times were required to run a current Ann Coulter column, of equal length, on the same page;

* PBS were required to follow the "Jim Lehrer News Hour" with a segment of "The Savage Nation;"

* To counter 60 Minutes featuring Mike Wallace, CBS were required run a show of equal time hosted by Michael Reagan;

* In order to avoid being excessively "one way," ABC were ordered to fire two leftist feminists from "The View" and replace them with Bay Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly;

* Spanish-language broadcasts featuring pro-amnesty and open borders propaganda, were required to include an equal number of commentaries by those opposed to illegal immigration and in favor of immediate deportation of all illegals;

* Movie theaters running Michael Moore's Sicko were required to also run Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, at the same time;

* Air America were forced to run conservative talent to offset the likes of Randi Rhodes and other leftist nut cases posing as radio hosts;

* The Weather Channel were ordered to replace half of its global warming biased staff with skeptics who believe that global warming is only myth, unsubstantiated by real science, and

* Radio and television coverage of political conventions were completely balanced to assure equal coverage for liberal and conservative perspectives.

If administered fairly, the fairness doctrine could help to dislodge the liberal bias pervasive in newspapers, television, films, and radio.

In which case, Bring it on!

2 Responses to “Fairness Doctrine? Bring It On!”

  1. Dave Says:

    You don't get it do you? There are over 450 right wing talkers fueled by billions of corporate dollars who have locked up the most powerfull signals of "public" airwaves all accross this land. The corps make money availible to the GOP to sponser and lock up the airwaves so these onesided political aganda pushers (or spinners) can influence elections in favor of GOP officials so they can legislate for the corps & the elites. It is exactly why the GOP pushed to reverse the "Fairness Doctrine" in the late 80's….so they could buy propaganda time on America's "public" airwaves. There are under 150 "left" type talk programs who are left with weak signaled stations and without the benifit of the billions of coporate dollars the right wing talkers easily get from the GOP corporate warchest. It much more than equal time though…..it's about truthfullness & acountability when it concerns just what the American public is being fed in the name of pushing oneside politics and "electioneering" The American people have been lied to…..misled…..misinformed and underinformed like no time in our history since 1989 when the "Fairness Doctrine" was reversed by the GOP. It opened the door for the likes of Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the highly paid GOP spin doctors that followed. Now all of a sudden righties & the GOP are concerned about the Constitution……where have they been for 7 years. America needs regulation of some sort to clean up our public airwaves of the political garbage…the lies….the hate spreading that is dividing our country and the electioneering that is affecting our democracy. Wer'e a country of regulations…..to regulate to ensure truth and fairness when it comes to our political discussions…..that's not a bad thing.

  2. bama2 Says:

    LOL–I think Dave is the one who doesn't get it! Great idea, John!