Forget Global Warming: We Are In New ICE Age!

August 20th, 2007 by John W Lillpop


Deported! American citizens rejoice!

By John W. Lillpop

While Al Gore and environmental saps of his ilk continue to milk global warming for all it's worth, the fact is that America has entered a new ICE age, as in Immigration Control and Enforcement (ICE).

That convenient and pleasant truth became obvious when U.S. immigration authorities deported illegal alien-anarchist Elvira Arrellano just hours following her arrest in Los Angeles.

Thus, the manipulative and cowardly illegal alien who hid behind the Christian cross and her eight-year-old son to escape American justice is back in good old Mexico, and off the public trough paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

Is it George W. Bush who claims that it is "impossible" to deport illegal aliens?

All it takes, Dubya, is political will, reasonably well functioning cajones, and dedicated support from organizations like Mothers Against Illegal Aliens (MAIA).

We know MAIA will always be there.

But Bush et al. will have to look elsewhere for the other commodities needed to fix the illegal alien mess which, after all, was made in America by RINOs, Democrats, and Dubya!

By immediately removing Elvira Arrellano from American soil, the U.S. government finally accomplished something positive on behalf of American citizens, rather than coddling to illegal aliens who do not belong here.

In addition, a much- needed message has been delivered to other invaders currently in America, as well as to would-be invaders in third world nations like Mexico.

That message: Illegal aliens will be hunted down, arrested, and deported as soon as possible, irrespective of family ties.

After all, illegal is illegal, family or not.

Of course, ACLU lawyers and other nut case liberals can be counted on to wring their hands in feigned angst about separating the saintly Arellano from her family.

"We must not tear families apart with such cold, calculated indifference," bleeding hearts will wail.

The obvious rejoinder is that we cannot allow American jurisprudence to be derailed by "cold, calculating" criminals who deliberately manipulate circumstances in order to circumvent the rule of law and justice.

Indeed, the "anchor baby" ploy used by invaders like Elvira Arellano must be recognized for what it is–an evil exploitation of children!

Remember Arellano was given due process and was ordered by the courts to get the hell out of America ten years ago. But like every illegal alien currently here, Arellano simply does not give a damn about due process or rule of law.

Which is why firm, decisive, and immediate are important key words that the U.S. government must implement in dealing with invading criminals.

Perhaps the deportation of Ms. Arellano will cause other illegal aliens to begin the process of self-deportation. That would be a wonderful thing!

In the meantime, we need to keep the pressure on Michael Chertoff.
After all, Chertoff still has 29,999,999 additional illegal aliens to hunt down, arrest, and deport!

You go, Michael, and remember you are THE MAN of the new ICE age!

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